Proudly & based. Since 1987.

Visual System & Custom Scenery

Increase the visual accuracy with 3D buildings, our runway alignment service, additional lighting, enhanced resolution…

3D Scenery & Custom airports

ELITE brings a new level of environment customization for your Lockheed Martin P3D or X-plane sim.

A fully customized simulator environment can be quickly developed to bring your simulator experience to its full realism potential. Imagine your customers taxiing into your ramp, next to your building, among your fleet of aircraft, with your company logo! The possibilities are endless.

In addition to the marketing potential, adding a custom environment can help students identify local visual navigation aids prior to their first flight, and familiarize themselves with local pattern procedures and landmarks.

Runway Alignment

Fixes Errors of Runway Alignment in Enhanced Visual Systems External Display.

Certain runways and airport environments in the external visual no longer align with current navigation data. When flying approaches this causes an error that makes pilots appear off centerline or in some cases off the runway entirely in the visual when landing.

ELITE technicians must update the visual navigation data and develop new scenery generation to fix these errors. This product ensures that for one airport, all of it’s runways will be realigned and updated to match current data. After updating, when approaches are flown, the runway in the visual will match the ILS, RNAV, VOR, LOC, etc... guidance so pilots can train more accurately. This enables pilots to see how far off course a seemingly small deviation would actually put them in reality. For some airports, runway numbers have changes, entire runways have been built, or significant changes have occurred in the airport layout including taxiways, signage and marking. ELITE’s runway alignment service will address these issues as well.

This Service Includes:

Re-alignment, re-numbering, and updating of all runways, taxiways and markings at ONE airport.

Thorough testing of runway accuracy by ELITE support staff Remote installation of the new airport data on your simulator Please specify which airport you would like updated in the “notes” section during checkout.

Custom scenery can be built as well for specific local practice areas, helicopter landing pads, distinct airport buildings or landmarks and more. Please contact us to discuss your request and receive a quote.

Live ATC

Com­mu­ni­cate with real, live air traf­fic con­trollers in a sim­u­lated envi­ron­ment to enhance your train­ing expe­ri­ence like never before!

File VFR or IFR flight plans, and fly them from start to finish. Deal with traf­fic, dis­tract­ing chat­ter and com­pli­cated or unex­pected clearances.

Learn the cor­rect com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­ce­dures, vocab­u­lary, and phrase­ol­ogy to effec­tively and pro­fes­sion­ally com­mu­ni­cate with ATC.

The con­trollers will ensure you fol­low the proper air­port pro­ce­dures start­ing on the ground at some of the nation’s busiest and biggest air­ports, such as Los Ange­les Inter­na­tional Air­port and in the air ensur­ing you stay on proper head­ing and alti­tude for instance. Also enabled with this pro­gram is the abil­ity for flight sim­u­la­tor pilots to see other air­craft traf­fic in the net­work on their exter­nal visual screen as they taxi around crowded air­ports or sim­ply nav­i­gate VFR through air­space prac­tic­ing the impor­tance of see­ing and avoid­ing other air­craft. The added train­ing value for pilots of all skill lev­els is an impor­tant com­po­nent in sim­u­la­tor based train­ing, which ELITE is proud to support.

René Huddlestone

Sales Director

Christopher Réville

Chief Commercial Officer